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Romabio Marmorino GF, BioCement

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BioMarmorino Flat GF is a historical slaked lime plaster, ideal for interior and exterior surfaces, applied on masonry or sheetrock surfaces to provide a classical plaster finish with chromatic color variability. BioMarmorino Flat GF can be applied for exterior finishes without the risk of damage from freeze/thaw, water, or damage from UV. May be tinted to Light or Medium colors (Not available in Dark colors). BioMarmorino Flat finish provides a flat finish with slight translucent depth and sublime shades of color with a very slight hint of the fine aggregate that distinguishes Marmorino plasters. It can also be used as the base coat for Lime Slurry, Marmorino Satin or Marmorino Flat finishes.

As low as $23.69
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  • May be tinted to Light or Medium colors (Not available in Dark colors)
  • 100% Natural mineral product
  • Ideal for interior and exterior surfaces
  • Slaked lime coating according to UNI 8681 with 3% organic stabilizers. No acrylic binders used
  • Apply with a trowel or brush; roller application is not recommended
  • Non-Toxic: No APEO (Alkyd Phenol Ethoxylates). PEG (Polyethylene Glycol), PG (Propylene Glycol), Formaldehyde or Biocides
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Series/Sub-BrandMarmorino GF
Color FamilyTintable
Manufacturer CodeBIOC


Mixing: Prior to utilizing ready-to-use masonry products from new buckets, it is highly recommended to mix product with a drill and masonry paddle to prep material for easier removal from the plastic containers and ease of application. Mixing masonry products with a drill properly mixes water content and heats up the material so it renders it more pliable.

Primer Coat / Interior / Exterior: Dilute BioGrip Medium primer with 30% water, or 4.5 liters of water per one (1) 15-liter bucket. On porous surfaces apply product abundantly so as to penetrate sufficiently to consolidate and bond correctly. On slightly porous surfaces apply product evenly as needed to cover surface completely, being careful not to leave voids or unpainted surfaces. Diluted material must be stirred constantly to permit suspension of granules and not permit settling at bottom of paint buckets during application. Allow to dry for at least 8 – 12 hours before applying any type of finish paint or plaster product.

1ST COAT: Apply BioCement GF 1.0 with a thin layer of product and cover entire surface and then remove excess by tilting trowel to approximately 30°. Once excess has been removed, smooth surface using a 30° angle, compressing plaster using the same angle, in arched trowel motions, with a forward and backward direction, to create a smooth surface as is possible and allow product to slightly set. Do not overwork surface with a trowel after the initial covering of the surface, but allow the moisture to be absorbed into the base, so as product appears to have slightly set. Apply a final pass with steel or plastic trowel to create a smooth finish. 1st coat can be applied with a skipped trowel finish as an option when following the 2nd coat with BioMarmorinos or Grassello Bio’s, depending on applicators methodology. 1st coat of BioCement GF 1.0 must be allowed to dry for at least 12 – 24 hours, before applying a 2nd coat of any type of slaked lime plaster.

2ND COAT: Apply a 2nd coat of BioCement GF, fully covering 1st coat base of BioCement GF, using the method as indicated for the 1ST COAT. A 2nd coat application is only required when BioCement GF is used as the final finish coat. In some cases on very rough or uneven surfaces a 3rd coat may be required to properly prepare base coat for the final finishes. For subsequent applications of other types of ROMABIO plasters, it is always suggested to apply BioCement Gf 1.0 or BioMarmorino Flat as the base coat before proceeding to apply 2nd and 3rd finish coats of BioMarmorinos or BioGrassellos.

Clean up: Soap and Water

Coverage: Approximately 100 ft2 / 9 mt2 – 250 ft2 / 23 mt2 per one (1) coat application, depending on absorption and type of base. Determine exact consumption by performing a test on the surface to be treated.

Dry Time: Allow a drying time for the 1st coat of BioCement GF 1.0 for at least 12 – 24 hours, and with successive coats allow at least 1 – 4 hours between coats as needed. Typical applications are two (2)-coats.

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